Friday 6 June 2014

I Can Only Imagine

Hi, my name is Sarah and I am a Lindsey Stirling fanatic.

For those of you who do not know, I am going to see Lindsey Stirling in concert next week with VIP tickets and I am so excited. Beyond excited. She is my biggest role model and if I could be her I would.

Over the past few weeks, I've been spending my nine and a half hour days of solitude at work thinking mostly about Lindsey Stirling and this concert. What I have been really obsessing over is how I will react when I meet her. I have no idea what is going to happen! Will I cry? Will I act normal? Will I be speechless? I don't have a clue, so the mental preparation and rehearsals have been extensive.

This past week in particular though, something else has caught my mind even more powerfully than Lindsey Stirling.

How will I react when I meet Jesus?

Wow, big question I know. But seriously! I am completely dumbfounded at the thought of meeting this 27 year old dancing violinist who I have only seen videos of. I have had no personal interactions with her (with the exception of her replying to one of my tweets. EEK!) and she has done absolutely nothing for me personally. Then there is Jesus, a deity, God with us, who came to this earth and lived a sinless life then died on a cross for me. Who am I? I am nobody!! Yet He cared so much for me that He carried every single one of my sins so that I could live forever with Him. Wow. One day I am going to meet this Jesus face to face and I am going to be able to touch His nail pierced hands with my own finger tips. What do you say to a person who has done so much for you when you never deserved it? I mean really think about this for a second, let it sink in...


I am sure that you remember the song "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me. I always loved that song, I sang the words and meant them.. but I don't think those lyrics really came to life for me until this past week. I sang it over and over in my head and it got me so excited to meet Christ. It will be amazing to see everything I have spent my entire life living for become a physical reality. My faith will finally become sight! I'm not trying to say I wasn't excited before, I just think it was kind of a far-off-fairytale thing. It wasn't imminent and so I never really let it sink in. How can I even think about Lindsey Stirling more than this amazing God? It got me really amped to tell people about Christ. I wanted to shake all the old guys at my work by the shoulders and insist that they give their lives to Christ because.... How could you not accept such a beautiful gift!? Obviously I didn't do that, but I have made it my mission to invite every single one of them to the Father's Day car show at Calvary. I was hoping to get the chance to really talk to one of the guys about God but the opportunity never came up. Please pray for me as I become more courageous in my new mission field! Ask God to give me boldness and to open doors to conversations and I will do the same for you.

God bless,

Sarah P.